Factors to Consider When Picking a Dance Shoe
When it comes to dancing, the type of shoe that you bring with you can have a considerable effect on how you perform. Besides that, dance shoes can be quite costly, so it is important that you make a safe…
Hip-Hop Dance
The style of modern dance referred to as hip-hop covers a range of street dance styles which are primarily performed to hip-hop music or a number of i
Different Dance Styles
Ever since the dawn of time, people from all over the world have been dancing. In fact, many of the dance forms of today have their roots in dance styles that go back for hundreds of years, while others were…
Modern Dance
The beginnings of modern dance can be traced back to the mid-twentieth century as a reaction to the heavily regimented classical styles of dance, such
Jazz Dance
Although jazz dance has its origins in classical dancing styles, as almost all forms of dance do, it is now its own distinct style which has been comp
The gavotte is a traditional French dance whose name is taken from a folk dance of the Gavot, who were the people living in the Pays de Gap region in
The polonaise is a dance which first originated in Poland, with the name 'polonaise' being the French word for Polish. The dance has a rhythm that is
Fred Astaire
One of the most well-known dancers who regularly appeared in American movies, Fred Astaire, was born on the 10th of May, 1899, in Omaha, Nebraska. Alt
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Russian born Mikhail Baryshnikov is a dancer, choreographer, and actor. He is regularly cited, alongside Vaslav Nijinsky, Rudolf Nureyev, and Vladimir
Broadway Dancing
Broadway dancing is known as a style of jazz dance which has become popularised by both Broadway musicals and musical theatre across the world. The me